
Duality in Linear Programming

01 Oct 2018

In this article, I will try to delivery the concept of duality. Especially, I want to clear up the understanding and proof of its nice properties, i.e., the weak and strong duality property.



I. Definition of Duality

given n decision variables with objective coefficients and m constraints , there are two LPs which is of dual respectively.



II. Conversion of Duality

for any LP problem with constraint matrix , through basic transformation, its dual can be derived along the order of transpose and reversal equality conversion

the reverse equality relationship from m constraints () and n variables () to m varialbe () and n constraint () follows the rule of below table

constraint variable
constraint variable
constraint = variable unrestricted
variable constraint
variable constraint
variable unrestricted constraint =


III. Fundamental Duality Property

there exists subtle equivalence between the primal and dual

A. Weak Duality

Weak Duality provides a bound on the optimal value of the objective function for the primal and the corresponding dual , specifically, any dual objective value v is an upper bound for the primal objective value z and any primal objective value z is a lower bound for the dual objective value z


In mathematical form,



Optimal Property

There are immediate nice properties for the weak duality (corollary), if we could find the existence of the weak duality inequality to be equal, that is the feasible solution of 's obejctive value is equal to the the feasible solution of 's obejctive value, then they are both optimal solutions. This is the so-called optimal property:

Unbounded Property

Consider the inverse case of , if there is no boundary, then there will not be feasible solutions the dual LP, that is the unbounded property:

If the primal (dual) problem has an unbounded solution, then the dual (primal) problem is infeasible.

B. Strong Duality

Strong Duality implies the vital equivalence of primal and dual. It indicates that we may in fact solve the dual problem in place of or in conjunction with the primal problem.

If the primal (dual) problem has a finite optimal solution, then so does the dual (primal) problem, and these two values are equal.

that is,


Proof for standard form

Recall: for Simplex Method

denote as the optimal solution for that

consider , I want to show is the optimal solution for

  1. is a feasible solution of , i.e. it satisfies the constraints of

  2. 's objective value is the same as 's

Lastly, from the @Weak Duality, is the optimal solution.

Hence, the dual has a optimal solution which has the same optimal value of P.

Proved 🤓