
Interpretation of Linear Programming Solution

18 Sep 2018

In this article, I want to clear up the logical framework of LP solutions and try to elaborate on some intuitionistic understandings. For the intuition, I specifically allude to the two-dimension graphical representation.

To set-up the LP structure, there is a universal standard form for all the LP problems.

is the vector with all the decision varibles to select out;

is the objective function to maximize where is the respective coefficients for decision variables;

is the total constraint, which is the most subtle part for LP.

and together define a feasible region for , and in geometry sense, it is called polyhedron , polyhedron is the fundamental space for LP. For 2-dimention case, it could be representead as the yellow area:


There is a generalization for the LP solutions:

The middle equivalence is the core of LP solution as it bridges the algebraic concept of basic feasible solution (BFS) to definition of extreme point and vertice. And the right hand side subset relationship assures the feasiblity to find solution within BFS.


  • Basic Solution:

    A vector is basic solution if it the set of column j of where is linearly independent, i.e., full rank.

    For M constraints with N decision () variables to maximize, any set of N constraints in the M constraints that is linear independent uniquely identifies a basis solution. In 2-dimention case, basis solution is the intersection point between pair lines (N = 2 case, thus combination).


  • Basis Feasible Solution - BFS

    basis solution vector that also satisfies the condition .


  • Extreme Points

    For convex set , if point can not be writen as combination of points and of , i.e.,

    , is a extreme point.

    Extreme point could be interpreted as the endpoint of the line segements that intersect with .


  • Vertices

    For be a polyhedron, extreme points of are just vertices of . Vertices are 'corner points'.




is an extreme point if and only if is a basic feasible solution, i.e., the set of column j of where is linearly independent

Proof by contradiction.


Optimum Existence in Vertex

  • *Unbounded case with no optimum

In the first place, distinguish between bounded and unbounded polyhedron, for unbounded set, there may be infinite value ().


If , maximal value , no optimal solution.


  • Optimum is the subset of vertices

lemma: if , has at least one vertex. affirm the existence of vertex at polyhedron



optimum of LP (maximal value for ) is attained at vertex of polyhedron P.

Proof by:

  1. represent with linear combination of vertices:
  2. compare with the maximal vertex


BFS enables finding the optimal solution of LP given that the optimum exists. This is the pillar of Simplex Method for solving the LP.